

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pre-K Kuteness!!!!

This year's Halloween Program at Ella's school was wonderful. I am amazed how many songs these little ones memorize. Music is a huge component to the teaching and learning process in her class. (Just another reason for us to love this place.)

I spent most of the 30 minutes blinking tears and smiling. Ella not only participated fully belting out the tunes, she had fun. She is ever-evolving into an amazing, cool little lady.

Then a huge weather system was supposed to move in on Halloween Day. After much sniping and venting on social media sites and the barrage of phone calls to City Hall, the city leaders as well as the smaller communities around us, switched the actual Trick Or Treat'ing to Sunday - 3 days later. As parents of a four year old, we got it. It didn't matter to us with Ella so over-the-top scared at anything remotely spooky this year. The storm never hit exactly as it was supposed to (insert more community grumbling), so we hit the library instead. It just made sense.

Self-Check Out Master.
And then we crawled under covers and read and read and read... 

Mavis chose Ella's window seat.

Thomas hogged the blankets.
Sunday's Trick-or-Treat night was a success. We built a fire in our pit, gathered chairs and a neighbor, had adult beverages and drained the bowls of any candy. The weather was chilly but dry! Ella traipsed up and down our block, screeched and melted into tears twice at scary masks and came home to enjoy her loot.

And doesn't every Lady Bug start out a big evening by playing the Ukulele?


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