Traveling with a two-year old (vs. the one-year old we took to Washington Island, Wisconsin last year) offered up challenges. Her energy levels far surpassed those of her parents. She found at least a dozen more 'buttons' to push with me. Trust me - she pushed them hard and sometimes with a killer smirk.
But she got her footing. And the surrounding towns, walking, eating and daily trips to the beach came natural. You know, just about the time we were packing up the car to head home.
For those of you not lucky enough to live near the Great Lakes, it may be hard to imagine how vast, strong and overwhelming they can be. Especially to a two-year old, which is why she took to calling Lake Michigan the ocean. On our last trip to the beach she was brave enough to throw the water shoes aside, dig her toes in the sand and even enjoy a few big waves from the safety of my arms.
We made sweet memories. During a rainy day, we got all artistic at a fabulous barn.
Our hotel room had a California King-sized bed. It was the best trampoline. Ever. On one day, we had ice cream twice.
We raced to the beach our last night and watched a perfect sunset.
We belted out "You Are My Sunshine" to that perfectly setting sun.
We belted out "You Are My Sunshine" to that perfectly setting sun.
Ella has perfected her Gull squawking call. We are still finding sand in our shoes.