

Sunday, July 16, 2017

six down; four to go.

School is going to start again. I can't avoid it. But I can ignore it for a few more weeks. We are on the downside of summer break in terms of time only, people..because we've got plenty more to conquer.

"Things to do with kids" by Roz and Ella
Parade fun with our neighborhood buds.

Trying out DIY tattoos while I'm not looking.

Ella made my office a little bit more "homelike".

Creamsicle, the outdoor cat who has made us his own, now waits at the back door for his breakfast!
We picked massive amounts of strawberries with some pals. Ella's berry picking game is strong. We had big fun that morning.

We got the call to foster a brother and sister kitten: Harry and Lola. We were warned of their hissing. Ella had them broken in within hours.

They have been the best little twosome: easy, healthy and docile. It has been a welcome respite for this foster mama. And they are so beautiful!

Are you seeing a pattern here? Ella at work with me? Acting like she owns the place?

Movie Day!

Art Walk

Art Walk: when we are having more fun than the kid
The kittens were just returned to the humane society this past week all fat, happy, socialized and ready for their new life. The BFF returns from her 3rd vacation away tomorrow just as we are leaving for our vacation up north.

We've got plenty more to squeeze out of July and August before that first morning bell rings at Grove Patterson.
