

Friday, January 11, 2013

Routine restored.

This week, we've been back in the swing of the normal work/school routine. Throw in a couple play dates and we've landed at Friday in a blink of an eye. Ella is far from over-joyed that school is back in session. She's even turning on the water works when being dropped off for her two days with my mom - something that rarely occurs. I'm getting a LOT of:
"I missed you today mom."
"You're the best mom in the whole wide world."
"I cried for you while you were at work."
"I'm going to be bashful today and not play."

But she IS having fun when I'm not around. On Tuesday, she got to wear PJ's to school and take a teddy bear. She chose my antique of a teddy to haul with her.

Thomas continues to be a huge presence in our day-to-day operations. PJ's, little engines scattered for me to trip on...


The ornery levels are still pretty darn high.

But the cuteness levels are pretty high as well.

Ella got to jump like a fool at our neighborhood mom's group play date. And although she kept to herself, she had a ball. And so did I.

Who doesn't like dress up?!

Enjoy your weekend, Ella-land. ~H


1 comment:

  1. So glad we got to see the two of you at the playdate! :) We must get together again soon!
